In this new version of the Linkage with the Environment 2022 projects of the University of La Frontera, the focus is on the needs of the territory, functioning as instruments through which the University of La Frontera will respond to the difficulties faced by the region of La Araucanía. getting involved from their areas of performance, with a strong emphasis on cooperative work and of a bidirectional nature.
The awarded project is entitled “Science in our feet, a solution in our hands” and seeks the transfer of knowledge and approach to soil science and its role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change to basic education students in the region. of Araucanía in a condition of vulnerability. Thus, the project involves two-way joint work with the El Crucero Rural School in Nueva Imperial and CONAF staff from the Conguillío National Park to cooperate in meeting the goals of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) of the ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (UN), among which is SDG No. 4 “QUALITY EDUCATION”, SDG No. 10 “REDUCTION OF INEQUALITIES” AND SDG No. 13 “CLIMATE ACTION”